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Enroll your child in an EYP class today!

Here you can take a look at all the classes that are going to run soon and sign up

for a class that best suites your child's availability. Just click sign up once you have decided.

To give this chance to as many children as possible, please only sign up for one class!

11/7/2022 - 11/28/2022
1pm - 1:45pm

In this class, the children will be taught the awesome language German. They will have a skilled instructor to teach them the commonly used German words and how to have a simple conversation in the language too! You do not want to miss this opportunity!

EYP German Class🌎🗣

In this class, the children will be taught the awesome language German. They will have a skilled instructor to teach them the commonly used German words and how to have a simple conversation in the language too! You do not want to miss this opportunity!

11/5/2022 - 11/26/2022
6pm - 6:45pm

In this class, the children will be taught the art of paper folding, origami. They will have a skilled instructor to help them through all the folds of origami and they will make all sorts of animals, boxes and more.

EYP Origami Class🎨📄

In this class, the children will be taught the art of paper folding, origami. They will have a skilled instructor to help them through all the folds of origami and they will make all sorts of animals, boxes and more.

11/4/2022 - 11/25/2022
5pm - 5:45pm

In Earth science, you will learn about the study of the Earth’s structure, properties, processes, and four and a half billion years of biotic evolution. This knowledge is a great way to know more about the world that we live in!

EYP Earth Science Class 🧪🌏

In Earth science, you will learn about the study of the Earth’s structure, properties, processes, and four and a half billion years of biotic evolution. This knowledge is a great way to know more about the world that we live in!

11/3/2022 - 11/24/2022 6pm - 6:45pm

In this class, children will learn all about how to write creative poems and stories. They will play games to improve their plot-making skills and write their own story by the end of the 4-week session.

EYP Creative Writing Class📝🎇

In this class, children will learn all about how to write creative poems and stories. They will play games to improve their plot-making skills and write their own story by the end of the 4-week session.

11/14/2022 - 12/05/2022
11am - 11:45am

In this class, your child will learn about geography – the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments. In addition to Geography, you will get to learn about current events!

EYP Geography and Current Events Class 🌎📰

In this class, your child will learn about geography – the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments. In addition to Geography, you will get to learn about current events!

11/2/2022 - 11/23/2022 5pm - 5:45pm

The children will learn the basic structure of a song and analyze different parts of the song. They will also learn how to write a verse and chorus of their own.

EYP Song Writing Class📝🎵

The children will learn the basic structure of a song and analyze different parts of the song. They will also learn how to write a verse and chorus of their own.

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